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Priority Medical
Priority Medical was founded in 1994 by Paul and Marylynn Caruso. The couple had just sold Complete Health Care Services, a home nursing company which they helped expand starting in 1990.
After the sale of Complete Health Care Services, Paul and Marylynn reached out to the physicians they worked with and asked what other services they needed. Overwhelmingly, they wanted better home medical equipment providers. Since many of their previous clients were orthopedic surgeons, they decided to focus on that specialty.
It was Paul’s idea to “bundle” services so the physicians did not have to contact multiple companies to provide equipment. This concept was equally advantageous to the patient who only had to deal with one company for all their equipment. By 1998 Priority Medical was expanding into orthotics and orthopedic bracing with the addition of Mitchell Hirsch, CPO.
The increasing demand to provide cranial remolding orthoses was becoming more prevalent and in 2011 a significant investment was made to purchase dedicated equipment and educate staff. As with all of the work done at Priority Medical, they wanted to provide a higher level of service.
At this time, Priority Medical currently oversees the Short Hills Cranial Center, Priority Orthotics and Prosthetics and Priority Heart.