Your initial consultation is FREE and you do not need a
prescription from a doctor.

Our Staff

The Short Hills Cranial Team

The qualifications and demeanor of the staff are of the utmost importance when making a decision about the treatment provider for your child’s cranial therapy. Meet the friendly and knowledgeable staff of Short Hills Cranial Center!

Mitchell Hirsch | LPO | CPO | StarBand Certified
Clinical Director, Helmet Therapy

Mitch is a Licensed Prosthetist Orthotist Certified by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics since 1995. He graduated from Adelphi University in 1989 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education. In 1992 he graduated from Florida International University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Orthotics and Prosthetics. Mitch has extensive experience in pediatric best practices and cranial remolding orthoses in particular. He is a father of 2.

Multilingual Team Members

lryna Gavrysh | English | Polish | Ukranian
Insurance Liason

Iryna joined us full time this year as an insurance liaison after working as an intern while completing her studies in billing and coding at Dover Business College. She is fluent in Polish and Ukranian. She is available at extension 103 to answer your questions about insurance coverage, authorizations or appeals. Iryna is a mother of 2 teenage boys.